Staff management via ERP

Implementing an ERP system provides full automation of HR department’s activity, which can significantly accelerate searching process, grouping and correction of information about company's staff.


Implementation of this technology for recruitment units, HR and accounting departments favour to simplify accounting documentation and helps managers to control employee database.

The differences of this system are systematization of all data about human resources of company. In the same time individual card is applied to each employee, which includes following information:

  • personal data - includes a standard information of employee records, address and family members, health, group disability, retirement age, photos, etc.;
  • professional achievements - contain data on education, qualifications, experience, skills, previous jobs, knowledge of languages, awards, promotions, information on scientific studies, etc.;
  • work schedule - information about holidays, periods of use and exceptional refunds, trips, violations of labor discipline, accruals, bonuses, length of service with the list of hazards, etc.

Installation of ERP provides a simplification of analytical data collection, management of employee database, establishment of connection points between departments and management of employees’ opportunity.

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ERP capabilities in personnel records

ERP system allows you to store huge information block, which has ability to set settings on access to resources. Thus, managing of employee database is performed by staff, endowed with such powers

Launch of system allows:

  • to simplify HR department activity;
  • to adjust information per each employee within single database;
  • to eliminate the data loss;
  • to track history of employee improvement;
  • to monitor activities of every employee;
  • to keep statistics of employees in real time;
  • to insert changes into database immediately.

Thus, ERP ensure tighter integration of information about labor and financial resources, which allows to control company activity and cash flow.

Company CASPEL independently develops ERP, which allows to adjust system according to specification of any company, by removing of useless features and adding necessary elements.

Integration Solutions

Costs reducing

Reducing of costs without loss of quality free resources for business development

Increased productivity

A wide range of the system project services in the field of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure construction

Business Process Automation

Modern business practice eliminates the possibility of errors provided by the human’s factor fault
