Creation of electronic storage and optimization of the printing system

The development and implementation of electronic record-keeping systems is one of the specializations of our company. We have created electronic archives that successfully operating in the industrial, financial and commercial enterprises. Electronic information storage system features that we have developed - versatility and intended for work with small and medium-sized businesses, and within corporate networks.


Electronic document management designed to qualitatively improve the document management level through an integrated implementation of the following functions:

  • ensuring a permanent secure access to documents with any point of your local network of the enterprise;
  • logical documents structure alignment with convenient and clear hierarchy, navigation and search by the specified parameters;
  • reliable protection of documents against accidental or intentional damage, prevent unauthorized access to data;
  • the possibility of continuous monitoring of changes in the specific documents with preservation of the history of document edits employees;
  • constant savings in paper and print documents intended for internal use, which is especially important for large corporations.

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Features of the proposed system

Electronic documentation system developed by Caspel is designed for the mass transfer of paper documents into electronic secured electronic archive for safe storage, indexing and searching. Flexible settings allow you to set the system use cases documentation, controlling its content in all accessible formats, and guarantees constant source data when needed.

With mass transfer documents in to electronic form is first of all conducted the primary audit documentation reconciliation which is in the paper documents management. Following the validation and establish documentation's authors enough to allow the right to employees that permit them to view, edit or create documents in an electronic repository and add new digitized documents into it.

Thanks to the electronic storage of documentation, you can be assured of the continuity of your business and the security of the entire array of information.

Integration Solutions

Costs reducing

Reducing of costs without loss of quality free resources for business development

Increased productivity

A wide range of the system project services in the field of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure construction

Business Process Automation

Modern business practice eliminates the possibility of errors provided by the human’s factor fault
