The introduction of bar code reading technology

The QR-codes with encrypted data charges using - effective measure for the banking organizations automation receiving and payment processing, resulting in address operators and other service providers.


Many supervisory and government institutions have already completed drawing on a paper receipt of bar codes agencies charged payment. It uses modern means of accounting to the encryption module primed code. On the banking institutions side active implementation of its own processing payment is started that use the coding payments details. This trend, advantageously, affected to the small and medium bank market players, which in the automation of the bank's systems are used not only to take account of transactions, but also as a basic solution to ensure a proper level of customer self-service.

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Features of the solution offered by Caspel

Our realizable IT-solutions are a simple and effective mechanism to avoid making payments on the erroneous coding. So, after scanning the QR-code data encrypted it immediately displayed on the monitor of the ABS, which significantly speeds up the service your customers.

We have developed a method of the data coding created in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards, which allows us to use the proposed system for the entire territory of the CIS and other foreign countries.

Key advantages of the introduction of barcode recognition technology:

  • a significant reduction time and labor expenses of the payment transaction liken with the input details manually;
  • decreases the probability of errors and incorrect manual entry of payment;
  • reducing the bank staff load, improving the productivity of its work by getting rid of routine manual entry of billing information;
  • increasing the operating room capacity, improving customer loyalty, spending a minimum of the transaction time.

Potentially implementation of the system can significantly simplify and other banking transactions that require manual input of information, thereby reducing the routine work of staff and increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the bank.

Integration Solutions

Costs reducing

Reducing of costs without loss of quality free resources for business development

Increased productivity

A wide range of the system project services in the field of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure construction

Business Process Automation

Modern business practice eliminates the possibility of errors provided by the human’s factor fault
