Data backup

Backup on separate data storage is performed by specialized software, generally called «software that performs huge data backups» or simply «backup software». The purpose of the operation is to simplify the data restoration of hard disks in case of damage and to prevent loss of information.


This method is distinguished by high reliability, relative cheapness and ability to quickly return to a specific machine the entire array of information, including documents, settings and systems that existed at the time of duplication.

We offer a range of services in project development and creation, as well as the implementation of backup systems, including the subsystems of archiving and subsequent recovery.

The solution, developed by us, is aimed at optimization of all processes included in the concept of backup and recovery. For this purpose, the following tools are used:

  • advanced developments on the issues of data backup;
  • the distribution of data by type of stored data;
  • data security;
  • automatic data transfer to the specified level of a backing store;
  • advanced intelligent data processing.

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In our system there are components and advanced practices of leaders in the backup industry, that proved themselves as reliable components for creation of fail-safe systems of backup, storage and recovery of data.

The advantages of our system:

  • flexible administration settings will allow you to configure the frequency of backups;
  • a short creation time of a backup and system restoration from a backup;
  • a deep integration of a data protection system. You can grant access only to certain information elements contained in backing store;
  • an efficient algorithm for information storage. The files, that you rarely use, are automatically transferred «to the far shelf" of an archive, while most popular ones are always remained in main memory;
  • the usage of incremental backup and data deduplication. These operations significantly reduce the hard drives' storage space required to store backups, and also reduce costs;
  • completely automated processes of a backup database creation save your time and resources, giving the opportunity to focus on business development;
  • avoiding risks of data loss leads to an increase in productivity of your staff and reduces the load on the IT department.

Integration Solutions

Costs reducing

Reducing of costs without loss of quality free resources for business development

Increased productivity

A wide range of the system project services in the field of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure construction

Business Process Automation

Modern business practice eliminates the possibility of errors provided by the human’s factor fault
